Thursday 29 March 2012

My Inspiration.

Posted by Unknown at 09:27:00 0 comments

We have been through some hard times recently, but he keeps us going, he drives us forward. I love them both eternally.

Friday 23 March 2012

Baby Instructions.

Posted by Unknown at 17:32:00 0 comments

The Bond.

Posted by Unknown at 15:57:00 0 comments

A mothers' bond can never be broken.

Since having C I understand this statement completely. I don't think anything can compare to the bond between a mummy and baby. As soon as I found out I was expecting I fell in love with that little unknown person in my tummy, and once he was born that love only grew faster and stronger than ever. The strange thing is you feel like your the only one in the world who feels like that, so amazingly full of pride, happiness and love for what you have just achieved, but to think that is naive.

The need to protect your child takes over you, it becomes what you do, and the feeling of knowing that they depend solely on you for food, cleanliness, for everything fills you up. I would do anything for Connor, whatever he needed I would make my mission to provide for him, and I am so lucky to be in a situation that I can, the thought of not being able to give him what he needs and wants breaks my heart and undermines what it is to be a mother.

I found these photos of mothers and their babies from all around the world, they just show that whatever circumstance your in or wherever you are from, the love that is shared between a mother and child is universal. Photos.

"The givers of life and love, the people with whom it all begins. Age after age in every generation,the combination of protectiveness and pride in a mother's look remains the same across the world." -Oliver Martel.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Very Superstitious.

Posted by Unknown at 12:50:00 0 comments

There are so many pregnancy superstitions, do people really believe them all?

I know when I was pregnant with Connor, I did the whole wedding ring on a piece of string held above the belly to see if it swung side to side or round in a circle, but that was just for the fun of it, I can't even remember what it did, thats how not seriously I took the result. Another one is the "heartburn is hair" theory, I suffered quite badly with heartburn, so much so I got gaviscon on prescription and when C was born he did have a bit of a mop, but I'm sure that's just coincidence. If your having a boy, your supposed to carry your baby out front, which I very much did but I still can't bring myself to believe that you can use these old wives' tales to tell you the sex of your baby.

During my pregnancy I thought I knew I was having a boy, but then after I had convinced myself of this I remember thinking, "maybe because I was so sure he was a he, maybe he is a she?" complex I know, so naturally when the twenty week scan rolled around and the inevitable question came I couldn't help but say yes to finding out who was in my tummy, and from then on I couldn't wait to meet him.

Friday 9 March 2012

Things I Didn't Know.

Posted by Unknown at 10:38:00 0 comments

During pregnancy I had advice thrown at me from all directions, not that I didn't appreciate it, but there are a few things that, as a new parent I found out you have to learn all by yourself...
Labour hurts, sounds obvious but is so, so true, only someone who has gone through it can understand, there are actually no words to describe it.
Nappies and formula are expensive, really expensive. I think one of the best gifts we got for the birth of Connor was three huge boxes of pampers from my uncle, this plus me breastfeeding saved us a small fortune!
Baby poo doesn't smell...that bad. Especially breastfed baby poo, just wait till they move onto solids, that's a smell.

These are just some of the things I have learnt so far, that no one told me, and Connor's only five months old, I'm sure I'll complete this full list,>List. ,as time goes on and he gets older, but I conclude that if everyone knew everything that comes with being a parent more people would think twice about having a baby, maybe thats why there kept secret, and he's worth it!

Monday 5 March 2012

Baby Talk.

Posted by Unknown at 21:07:00 0 comments
Considering the size of Connor the volume level he can reach sometimes often surprises me, not only when he's crying, but when he's simply talking. 

His little voice, added to the facial expressions he presents me with somehow tells me exactly what he wants or needs, and I'm so happy listening to him tell his stories with such intent, like he is thinking about every little noise he makes and what it means.
He's a chatterbox, hardly wants his dummy, he wants to talk and you can see the delight in his face when he knows hes getting the full attention of you talking back to him.

I can't wait for that first word, I'm constantly sounding out mama to him and waiting for a reply that hasnt yet been a mimic of the word I'm saying, but it'll come, the way he goes on I can't imagine it being too long now but we will see.

I love him chattering and shouting, it makes me feel proud and accomplished knowing that I have met all his needs and made him happy for a while. Most of the time though he doesn't need to say a word or make a sound even, that smile is enough.


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