Tuesday 24 April 2012


Posted by Unknown at 19:04:00 0 comments

Now that Connor is sitting up pretty much independently and can move backwards, even though he's trying to go forwards, his want to play has rocketed. When he would usually sit quite contented on your knee he now lunges forward constantly until you lay him down for tummy time.

Of course I still pile cushions around him when he is sat up because if a toy catches his eye and it's just too far out of reach he has no fear in going for it, usually landing face down, I swear this boy has no fear.

Your advised to give your baby around thirty minuts tummy time every day but I think Connor must get at least two or three times that. He is so near to crawling, he gets up onto his hands pulls his bum up and in, then bursts forward and slides backwards, very amusing to watch but very frustrating for him as what he's aiming for gets further away.

He is really enjoying his play and it's amazing to watch him move about, rolling over and pulling and throwing his toys around. I couldn't be prouder of my little guy.

Thursday 19 April 2012

6 month Update.

Posted by Unknown at 12:24:00 0 comments

So, six months have flown faster than any amount of time I have ever spent, the saying must be true because I think it's because I've been having so much fun. Every day now I notice that Connor can do something he couldn't do the day before.
My clever little man can do all sorts for himself now, from sitting up and rolling over to holding his own bottle, he really is quite independent and determined. Although he can't crawl yet he's trying and somehow does manage to turn himself in a circle when he's lying on his front. He's said his first word "baba", and moved onto solid food, which probably has something to do with why he is in up to nine month old clothes, little chunk! He sleeps through the night, most nights, and owns the biggest smile I've seen. He's such a good little boy, very social and talkative, most likely because he has such a big, and amazing, extended family that love him so much. He rarely cries, such a happy chappy, he's had all his injections and has started teething, although we're still waiting on that first little peggy, but I'm sure it's not far off, the way he's been chomping and dribbling I can see him getting a few come through together. But the thing I'm looking forward to most is that first time he calls me "mama", and of course when he gets on the move! He has everything he needs and he is everything I need, I love him more than life itself.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

First Word?

Posted by Unknown at 22:49:00 0 comments

Sunday 8 April 2012

The Big Day.

Posted by Unknown at 19:29:00 0 comments

Ok, so I think now, six months on, I'm ready to share my Connors birth story.

08/10/2011, 6 AM.
I woke up with the strangest feeling of something going on under the duvet and between my legs, still half asleep it took me a moment to realise that I was soaked. I threw back the covers and waking Dane I told him that I thought my waters had broken, then it became apparent that they hadn't just broken, they'd exploded. He laid towels from the bed to the bathroom, then rang my mum to tell her it was happening. He ran me a bath and as I lay in the water I remember being filled with the same sort of excitement you used to feel at Christmas as a kid, I knew my boy was on his way.

The hospital was called and told me to go in. We covered the car seat with a bin bag and layered towels on top, there really was that much water. And by the time we got to there my pants were stuck to me and my boots were squelching as I walked through the corridors, I looked and felt as though I'd wet myself and because I was so wet and it was October I was so cold, that added with the excitement and nerves meant I was shivering uncontrollably.

Once we got onto the prenatal ward I was attached to a monitor for around an hour, but I was only one centimetre dilated so they sent us home in hope labour would start on its own, I was given an anti biotic tablet to take the next morning as my waters would have been broken for twenty four hours by that point and I was prone to infection, I was also told that if nothing had progressed they would induce me at eight o clock the next morning, this was not going to be necessary.

Back at my mums house, with all the family, I was made a bed up on the couch complete with bags and towels to protect the furniture, by this point though I think most of my water had emptied and I started to look about three months pregnant again. Throughout the day I started to get, what felt like to me, tiny electric shocks through my belly, at first they were bearable, only happening every so often and quite irregularly but progressively getting stronger and more frequent. I was advised to take cocodamol to ease the pain but by the time it got to around seven thirty in the evening I couldn't even feel it.

I didn't think I could take much more by this point so we got in the car and headed back to the hospital. On getting there I was inspected and told I was only just over two cm gone, how could it be going so slow and me be in so much pain?, I was told there were no available Labour rooms and if I wanted to stay I would have to go onto the prenatal ward and no one could stay with me, I didn't want to be on my own so I opted to go back home.

There it only got worse, the pains weren't just in my belly now, they took over my whole body, taking my breath away with every wave, hitting me hard and fast. By early morning they were coming so often that I could hardly take a breath between them, never mind try and sleep, which is what the hospital suggested when my mum called them asking if there was room for me yet, they advised her to put me in the bath. So there we were, two am me in the tub and mum pouring water over me trying to ease the pain, that was a novel idea.

Seven thirty came and we piled in the car, a full twenty one and a half hours later and they took me in to induce my labour. Onto the prenatal ward again were everyone was so calm, and me unable to suppress my pain. Only Dane could come onto the ward with me, mum had to wait outside. I was put onto a monitor for an hour and I remember saying to Dane that if it got any worse and I couldn't get any other pain relief soon I was going to have to do what I least wanted to and have an epidural. At last I was examined and one midwife said to another, "she's a good four, lets take her down", I've never got into my nightie so quick, and off we went, collected mum and moved onto the labour ward at last.

It was ten thirty when I got into the labour room and onto the gas and air, I remember feeling my face tingling and slowly going numb, it was amazing, this was going to get me through. They wanted to put me onto a drip as I was dehydrated, but as I was progressing so fast now they let me just down a glass of cold milk, the most refreshing drink I've ever had. I'd been in the labour room what seemed like five minutes when I felt this incredible urge to start pushing, I told this to the mid wife and she shouted "no, not yet", but I couldn't control, I fought against my body, a losing battle it was doing it on its own, they inspected me and I was now fully dilated so she let me push, but he was still very high up and she was worried I was going to exhaust myself but I couldn't stop I needed to do it, for it to be over. On all fours I pushed and pushed and moved him quite a way but still not far enough. I was then advised to go to the toilet as apparently you can push easier on an empty bladder, sat on the toilet I couldn't make myself go, however I think the walk to the bathroom did me a favor and as I got back onto the bed he was so close to being here. I remember the feeling and shouting that I was pooing, which I wasn't that was just the sensation I got.

I pushed long and hard and then came the stinging, burning feeling and his head was on its way out. The mid wife was sponging water over me and that helped a lot. Then out of nowhere there he was lying on my chest, I had informed the mid wife before hand that I wanted to make sure I was watching when Dane cut his cord, which she did, not that I remember it now, I'd had so much gas. I'd opted to have the injection to bring the afterbirth quickly. Then came the stitching.

They let me stay on the gas and my mum held my hand throughout, whilst Dane became accustomed to his son. It took them forty five mins to find where I was bleeding from as it was not a normal tear, as Connor was being delivered he turned inside me and tore my muscle with his elbow. They used anaesthetic but I still felt every stitch, again the gas got me through it.

Afterwards I was able to shower, I was so shaky and frightened of slipping and splitting my stitches. I was so tired, it had been thirty and a half hours of hard work, but now, seeing my son and loving him already I knew he was worth every second.

Connor Joseph Roberts was born at 12:28 pm on Sunday 09/10/2011, at 40 weeks gestation weighing 7lbs and 8oz.


Friday 6 April 2012


Posted by Unknown at 23:00:00 0 comments
"Look what I drew"

-Connors' first drawings via Ipad, 6 months old.

Monday 2 April 2012

Mr. Strong.

Posted by Unknown at 23:04:00 0 comments

Knowing that Dane was a strong person, both emotionally and physically, I thought Connor would grow up to be just like his daddy, I didn't however, think I'd have a strong baby.
If you have met Connor you'll know that a comparison between him and a young Hercules isn't too far out. He has been able to take his own weight on his legs from about six weeks old, and now he's getting to the "grab and pinch" stage when he gets a hold of you, you know about it! I constantly get comments on how strong he is, a lot of the time referring to his grip as vice-like.

It's not just his body strength that amazes me though, he is very, very, strong willed. I think he gets that from his daddy too! His determination inspires me, when he wants something he goes hard and fast for it, wether he is allowed it or not, needless to say everything goes straight in the mouth.

It's hard to think, looking at him now, that one day he'll tower over me and be able to lift me as easily as I do him now. I'll always love my little strong man.

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